I-SARS-cov-2 engathethekiyo i-anticturation Cassette yekhasethi
Video For the qualitative assessment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (2019-nCOV or COVID -19) neutralizing antibody in human serum/plasma/whole blood. Kwingcali ye-vitro diagostistik kuphela 【Ukusetyenziswa kwenjongo】 I-Cassette ye-Antict ye-Antict yi-chromastey ye-Antict ye-chromaste i-antict i-antict yesifo sika-Antiititity ye-antict ye-Counovirus ye-Antict ye-Antict ye-Ontiit of Promomy ye-Ontiit of Promostoural, i-serum, okanye iplasma njengoncedo Amanqanaba ovavanyo lwe-Anti-Novel COROVOVUVUVUVUVE ...